"Mad Ann" Bailey
A pic a friend and I took of the grave of Ann Bailey when we visited Point Pleasant in 2022 “Mad Ann” Bailey was a famous frontierswoman. History.com names her one of the 7 gutsiest women on the American frontier, in a March 2018 article. I went to Ann Bail ey Elementary, where I think I was misinf ormed about who A nn Bailey really was , or maybe after all these years, I just don’t fully remember what I was taught. In any event I was surprised to re-learn about Ann Baily in recent years. Ann Hennis came from Liverpool, England around 17 61 to Virginia. She was an educated woman. She married her first husband, Richard Trotter , in Virginia. Richard was a Sh enandoa Valley settler. He also participated in and survived General Edward Braddock’s disastrous expedition of 1 755 (a major event in the French and Indian war) . Richard was killed in Lord Dunmore ’s war AKA The Battle of Point Pleasant . I covered Lord Dunmore’s war in deta il in my book, Ce...