Exciting stuff

If you've noticed a bit of a decline in blog posts over the past several months, it's because this blogger has been trying something a little different. I've been writing a book! Just something I had to get out of my system and now I can mark "author a book" off my bucket list. I actually had dreams of getting it published by a publishing company. I found out a lot about the publishing industry this year, it's not what you think. If you're really lucky, you'll get a literary agent (which you almost have to have if you want traditional publishers to see your manuscript) and if you're really, really lucky one of the publishers will like your book. Now, you'll get an advance that ranges from $1-$10,000.00. after that, you dont get anything until the publisher has got their money back from them advance. Now, you start getting royalties, which is probably gonna be about 30%. Thats option one. Option two is you self publish. Now, thesedays there are a lot of self publishing tools and this way you can keep up to 70% of the royalties! Sounds like a no brainer, right? Well, the downside is self published books/ ebooks don't sell many copies, even on big sites like Amazon. Your third and final option is a Glamour press, thats the kind of "publisher" that you pay to print your books and then you're still responsible for marketing and distribution. I figured I'd avoid all that mess and just build a simple site to display my PDF on. Big shout out to go daddy. I tried several "free" website builders and most just try to upgrade you to sell you a domain name. 
My book is called celebrating 161 years of West Virginia and it is like the content on this blog on steroids, go check it out...


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