I debunked my first story.

     The other day, I ran across a story that I wanted to believe. I even shared it on my personal Facebook because I was so excited about it. Apparently, somebody had asked an AI powered search engine (not too sure which one) what the most haunted place in Lincoln County, WV was. It told them a story about the Lincoln County courthouse in Hamlin being haunted by the ghost of a former sheriff who was murdered in the building. Now when I read that, it seemed exciting, boring old Lincoln County just got a little cooler but since then I had time to do a little research. I thought I'd be able to find accounts of witnesses and people who claim to have seen something that might lead them to believe the courthouse is in fact haunted. but no, nothing, not one claim. So, I wondered about the Sheriff that was murdered. There appears to be no truth to that either. The closest thing I was able to find to that was the Sheriff of Lincoln County was killed in a car wreck in 1970. So, I think it's safe to say this story is DEBUNKED. BTW, the Lincoln County courthouse burned down in 1909 and was rebuilt in 1911, that's why finding records of things in this county is nearly impossible.

  Now, during my research, I found a story about a cemetery in Hamlin that is supposedly haunted. The Issac- Slone Cemetery. If you know anything about that, I'd greatly appreciate if you'd reach out to me and tell me about it.


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