visitors from Lanulos

I just finished the book visitors from lanulos by Woodrow Derenberger. You've probably heard about Woodrow, allow me to refresh your memory, he was the guy from Mineral Wells, WV, who claims to have had several encounters with Indrid Cold. He first saw him in 1966. Indrid is from the planet Lanulos. Now, I know what you're thinking but let me assure you Derenberger wasn't a lunatic. He seems to have been educated, respected and he said he didn't drink. An organization called NICAP (National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena) actually had him tested to see if he was insane and he wasn't, but of course they never published this. Derenberger wasn't the only one that saw Mr. Cold the first night he saw him, in fact there were other similar reports in WV and one in New Jersey.

Listen to Mr. Derenberger talk about his first experience...

     In the book, Derenberger tells all of his experiences with Mr. Cold and talks about other sightings and contacts both in America and around the world. He talks about how the Air Force, NASA and other government organizations know way more than they release to the public and how they discredit sightings by educated, respected and reputable people. He says they think we're stupid. It's too bad he didn't live long enough to see the Air Force admit to being in possession of non-human DNA and release footage of UFOs. He talks about how Cops lose their job if they talk publicly about their sightings. He mentioned an airline pilot  said they would be fired for it too. He says there is organized resistance, he says people threatened him not to write the book and they would break into his house and steal his notes to try and stop him.
     He describes the people of Lanulos as being really good people who have no wars and truly have no hate. They're very Godly people and they believe God created all the worlds. The one thing I wouldn't like about Lanulos is they have coffee with no caffeine😮
     The book has a forward by John keel (famous new york author). 

     Derenberger faced ridicule and his finances suffered because of all this, but he stuck to his guns and no matter what you believe, you gotta respect that.
     The one funny thing about the book is there was a rumor around town that he was pregnant and had to return to Lanulos to deliver the baby. I thought that was hilarious and literally laughed out loud as I read it.

     Woodrow's daughter, who was really young, I wanna say 4, when Woodrow had his first experience, continues the story in her book beyond Lanulos.
     I believe in people from other worlds and I think it's really stupid for us to assume earth is the only planet that has intelligent life. In my opinion it's pretty common knowledge that we are not alone. I mean, of course there will always be skeptics, but that's only because those people want to be skeptics. An alien could land in some peoples driveway, come in the living room and sit beside them on the couch and it still wouldn't prove to them that aliens exist. For the most part though, people these days are a little more open minded and a little less ignorant than in Derenberger's day. I believe people are taking these sightings a little more seriously.
     Theres one part in the book where Derenberger says the reason why they won't make their presence known to everybody on Earth is because they know Earthlings would try and shoot down their craft. Sound familiar? About a year ago two unidentified flying objects were shot down.
     I read that Mr. Derenberger died in 1990 and is buried in Mineral Wells.


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