Boston tea party

    This is a continuation of the post I made on July 4th, 2023 about the declaration of independence. In this post, I'll discuss the Boston Tea Party.
"But Andrew, that has nothing to do with West Virginia"
Without this there never would've never even been an America, shut up.

      If you ask most people about the Boston tea party, they'll tell you it was the result of Britain raising the tax on tea.
Quite the contrary, if anything, Britain was making tea cheaper for the colonists.
     See, at the time, tea was a huge deal, it was new, exciting and exotic, and everybody everywhere was drinking it. Most of the tea in the colonies was smuggled in. This really hurt the East India Trading company, which was a big player in Britain's economy. The East India Trading company had a huge surplus of tea rotting in warehouses in London. So, the Parliament of Great Britain passed the tea act of 1773 in May, which gave the East India Trading Company a monopoly on selling tea in the colonies, It also let them sell the tea without paying taxes, other than the townshend taxes. The tea act had two purposes, one, to bail out the failing East India Trading company and two, to encourage colonists to buy the tea for which the townshend taxes are paid.
     The colonists did not like this! This hurt other suppliers, plus I think they probably wanted to trade with who they wanted, most of all they hated that Britain kept pushing the townshend act taxes on them

     On December 16th,1773, colonists in a political group who called themselves the Sons of Liberty (some of them disguised as native Americans) boarded one of the East India Trading company's ships that was anchored in Boston Harbour and threw the cargo (tea) overboard, that became known as "the Boston Tea Party" This put the colonies on the road to the revolution.

History, what was the tea act of 1773?, 2020, [video],

Tea act of 1773,

Boston tea party,

Sons of liberty,

Townshend acts,


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