
Photo sourced from defines “paranormal” as very strange . Not able to be explained by what scientists know about nature and the world.. We have had several things in the mountain state that would fall under that category. Usually, when people hear “paranormal ”, they think of ghosts, but you can’t forget the cryptids. “ Cryptid” is usually defined as an animal that is said to exist but isn’t proven to. We have had at least a couple of those over the years, but one is unique to West Virginia. I’m of course talking about the Flatwoods monster AKA the Braxton County monster AKA Braxxie . Back in 1952, in the small West Virginia Village of Flatwoods, something terrified six kids, a mother and a dog. The story goes two young brothers had been playing in their school yard on September 12 th, 1952, the boys were 12 and 13 years old. They were playing there with their friend, w...